Canada's Plant Hardiness Site


Ericaceae blueberry family
Rhododendron tomentosum Harmaja
En: northern Labrador tea, dwarf Labrador tea, marsh Labrador tea, muskeg tea, marsh tea, narrowleaf Labrador tea, trapper?s tea, crystal tea;
Fr: petit the du Labrador, ledon subarctique
  • [=Ledum palustre L.]
  • [=Ledum palustre L. forma dilatatum (Wahlenb.) O. Fedtsch.]
  • [=Ledum palustre L. var. dilatatum Wahlenb.]
  • [=Ledum palustre 'Minus']
  • [=Ledum tomentosum Stokes, nom. illeg. superfl.]
  • [=Rhododendron palustre (L.) Kron & Judd, nom. illeg. hom., non Turcz. ex DC.]
  • [=Rhododendron tomentosum 'Milky Way']

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