Canada's Plant Hardiness Zones - Background

Canada's Plant Hardiness Zones

Canada´s plant hardiness zones are well known to Canadian gardeners. The original hardiness indices and zones were developed in the early 1960´s through regression models of several climatic paramaters and plant survival data from numerous locations across the country. Since that time Canada´s climate has changed and climate interpolation techniques have improved. We have remapped these zones using data from the original period (1930-1960) and for 1961-1990 period using thin plate spline interpolation methods. See references below for more details.

Canada´s Plant Hardiness Zones Map Check it out on our interactive mapper.

Canada´s Plant Hardiness Zones Frontline Express Bullletin No. 13

Getting into the Zone Frontline Technical Note No. 103 (pdf)

Going Beyond the Zones Frontline Technical Note No. 104 (pdf)


McKenney, D.W., Hutchinson, M.F., Kesteven, J.L., Venier, L.A. 2001. Canada´s plant hardiness zones revisited using modern climate interpolation techniques. Can. J. Plant Sci. 81: 129-143.

Ouellet, C.E., and Sherk, L.C. 1967a. Woody ornamental plant zonation I. Indices of winter hardiness. Can. J. Plant Sci. 47: 231-238.

Ouellet, C.E., and Sherk, L.C. 1967b. Woody ornamental plant zonation II. Suitability indices of localities. Can. J. Plant Sci. 47: 339-349.

Ouellet, C.E., and Sherk, L.C. 1967c. Woody ornamental plant zonation III. Suitability map of the probable winter survival of ornamental trees and shrubs. Can. J. Plant Sci. 47: 351-358.

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