Canada's Plant Hardiness Site
Choose a species from the list below.
Email us if the plant you wish to report is not listed on the site, or to report any nomenclature errors.
family: PoaceaeElymus alaskanus Alaskan wheatgrass,Alaska wildrye,Alaskan elymus
Elymus alaskanus subsp. alaskanus Alaskan wheatgrass,Alaska wildrye,Alaskan elymus
Elymus alaskanus subsp. hyperarcticus tundra wildrye,high-arctic wheatgrass
Elymus albicans Montana wildrye,Griffith's wheatgrass,awned northern wheatgrass,Montana wheatgrass
Elymus canadensis Canada wildrye,nodding wildrye,Great Plains wildrye
Elymus canadensis var. brachystachys Canada wildrye,Great Plains wildrye,nodding wildrye
Elymus canadensis var. canadensis Canada wildrye,nodding wildrye,Great Plains wildrye
Elymus curvatus shortawn wildrye,awnless wildrye
Elymus diversiglumis diverse-glumed wildrye,variable-glumed wildrye,unequal-glumed wildrye
Elymus elymoides squirreltail grass,western bottlebrush grasss,bottlebrush squirreltail,longbristled wildrye,common squirreltail
Elymus elymoides subsp. brevifolius longleaf squirreltail
Elymus elymoides subsp. californicus California squirreltail
Elymus elymoides subsp. elymoides common squirreltail,bottlebrush squirreltail,western bottlebrush grasss,squirreltail grass,longbristled wildrye
Elymus glaucus common western wildrye,blue wildrye
Elymus glaucus subsp. glaucus common western wildrye,blue wildrye
Elymus glaucus subsp. virescens blue wildrye,common western wildrye
Elymus hirsutus northwestern wild rye,boreal wild rye,northern ryegrass,hairy wild rye
Elymus hystrix bottlebrush grass,glumeless wildrye
Elymus hystrix var. bigelovianus eastern bottlebrush grass,glumeless wildrye
Elymus hystrix var. hystrix bottlebrush grass,glumeless wildrye
Elymus lanceolatus thickspike wheatgrass,northern wheatgrass,streambank wheatgrass
Elymus lanceolatus subsp. lanceolatus northern wheatgrass,thickspike wheatgrass
Elymus lanceolatus subsp. psammophilus sand-dune wheatgrass,Great Lakes wheatgrass
Elymus lanceolatus subsp. riparius streambank wheatgrass
Elymus macrourus northern wheatgrass,tufted wheatgrass,hairy elymus,silky wildrye
Elymus magellanicus Magellan wheatgrass
Elymus repens quackgrass,couchgrass,quitch grass
Elymus riparius eastern riverbank wildrye
Elymus scribneri Scribner's wheatgrass,spreading wheatgrass,spreading wildrye,Scribner's wildrye
Elymus svensonii
Elymus trachycaulus bearded wheatgrass,slender wheatgrass
Elymus trachycaulus subsp. subsecundus one-sided wheatgrass,bearded wheatgrass,unilateral wheatgrass
Elymus trachycaulus subsp. trachycaulus bearded wheatgrass,slender wheatgrass
Elymus villosus hairy wildrye,downy wildrye
Elymus villosus var. villosus hairy wildrye,downy wildrye
Elymus violaceus arctic wheatgrass,high elymus,violet wheatgrass
Elymus virginicus slender wildrye,Virginia wildrye
Elymus virginicus var. halophilus saltmarsh wildrye
Elymus virginicus var. intermedius Virginia wildrye,intermediate wildrye
Elymus virginicus var. jejunus western wildrye
Elymus virginicus var. virginicus Virginia wildrye,slender wildrye,terrellgrass
Elymus wiegandii Wiegand’s wildrye,northern riverbank wildrye
Elymus ×maltei Malte's wheatgrass
Elymus ×pseudorepens false quackgrass,false couch grass,false wheatgrass