Canada's Plant Hardiness Site
Choose a species from the list below.
Email us if the plant you wish to report is not listed on the site, or to report any nomenclature errors.
family: PolygonaceaeRumex acetosa green sorrel,sour dock,garden sorrel
Rumex acetosella field sorrel,sheep sorrel
Rumex alpinus butter dock,monk's rhubarb,alpine dock
Rumex altissimus pale dock,smooth dock,peachleaf dock,tall dock
Rumex arcticus arctic sourdock,arctic dock
Rumex beringensis Bering Sea dock,Beringia sorrel,Bering Sea sorrel
Rumex britannica great water dock,British dock
Rumex confertus Asiatic dock,Russian dock
Rumex conglomeratus clustered green dock,sharp dock,smaller green dock,clustered dock
Rumex crispus curly dock,sour dock,yellow dock
Rumex crispus subsp. crispus curly dock,yellow dock,sour dock
Rumex dentatus dentate dock,fiddle dock,Indian dock,toothed dock
Rumex fueginus Tierra del Fuego dock,American golden dock
Rumex lapponicus Lapland mountain sorrel,Lapland sorrel
Rumex longifolius dooryard dock,northern dock,longleaf dock
Rumex obtusifolius bitter dock,broadleaf dock
Rumex occidentalis western dock,windowed dock
Rumex pallidus pale willow dock,seabeach dock
Rumex patientia spinach patience,patience dock
Rumex paucifolius alpine sheep sorrel,mountain sheep sorrel,fewleaf dock
Rumex persicarioides peachleaf dock
Rumex pseudonatronatus field dock,Finnish dock
Rumex sanguineus redvein dock,ornamental sorrel,bloodwort dock,wood dock
Rumex sibiricus Siberian willow dock,Siberian dock
Rumex stenophyllus narrowleaf dock,serrate-valve dock,narrowleaf field dock
Rumex subarcticus subarctic willow dock,subarctic dock
Rumex thyrsiflorus narrowleaf sorrel
Rumex transitorius Pacific willow dock,willow dock
Rumex triangulivalvis triangular-valved dock,willowleaf dock,white dock
Rumex utahensis Utah dock
Rumex venosus veiny dock,veined dock,sand dock,winged dock,wild begonia
Rumex verticillatus swamp dock
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