Canada's Plant Hardiness Site

Data Entry

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Email us if the plant you wish to report is not listed on the site, or to report any nomenclature errors.

family: Crassulaceae

Sedum acre mossy stonecrop,golden carpet,wall-pepper,biting stonecrop
Sedum alboroseum variegated autumn stonecrop
Sedum album white stonecrop,coral carpet stonecrop
Sedum anacampseros evergreen orpine
Sedum Autumn Joy ('Herbstfreude') autumn stonecrop
Sedum divergens Cascades stonecrop,old-man-bones stonecrop
Sedum ewersii pink stonecrop
Sedum kamtschaticum Russian stonecrop
Sedum oblanceolatum
Sedum oreganum Oregon stonecrop
Sedum pusillum
Sedum reflexum blue spruce stonecrop
Sedum sarmentosum stringy stonecrop
Sedum sieboldii October daphne
Sedum spathulifolium broadleaf stonecrop,spatulateleaf stonecrop
Sedum spectabile showy stonecrop
Sedum spurium Caucasian stonecrop,tworow stonecrop
Sedum telephium autumn stonecrop
Sedum ternatum whorled stonecrop,wood stonecrop
Sedum 'Vera Jameson' hybrid stonecrop

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