Canada's Plant Hardiness Site

ANUCLIM maps and models

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Email us if the plant you wish to report is not listed on the site, or to report any nomenclature errors.

family: Poaceae

Phyllostachys aurea fishpole bamboo,golden bamboo
Phyllostachys aureosulcata stake-and-forage bamboo,yellow groove bamboo
Phyllostachys bambusoides giant timber bamboo,Japanese timber bamboo,madake,corduroy bamboo,hardy timber bamboo
Phyllostachys edulis moso bamboo,tortoiseshell bamboo
Phyllostachys nigra blackstem bamboo,black bamboo
Phyllostachys nuda nude sheath bamboo
Phyllostachys vivax elegant bamboo,Chinese timber bamboo,vivax bamboo,smoothsheath bamboo,vigorous bamboo

ANUCLIM maps and models

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